What’s in a name?

When our daughter Alexandra was born we went to some trouble to find her a name which was not associated with anyone in either family, a name which would be hers alone. We didn’t advertise this decision, and we were amused to hear that her great-grandfather was very puzzled as to where the name came from,…

Read all about it!

I spent most of last week in Manchester, and my hotel room was on the 21st floor overlooking the city. It’s not a place I know very well, although I feel I should, as many of my ancestors came from there. Here’s a story about one of them. My great great grandmother is a bit…

Back to work

The alarm goes off at 5.59am. This is because, picky as I am, I like to be awake before the pips and the headlines at 6am. Yesterday, my first back at work after 12 days off was cold and dark and January-depressing. Breakfast was gruel. Or I like to think it was anyway – all because…

Genealogy and me

I’ve written before about my paternal grandmother, and the family tree which she and my sister worked on together. , present, and future, but really it was that document which got me started. At the same time, an uncle was uncovering the story of my mother’s side of the family, and slowly but surely an obsession…